The Johto region is a region of the Pokémon world. It is located west of Kanto, and as revealed by the radio show Sinnoh Sound, is located south of Sinnoh. It is the setting of Pokémon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver. Johto and Kanto are part of a large landmass, with everything west of Indigo Plateau falling in the Johto region. Though it is unlike Kanto in that its name is not directly based on that of a region of Japan; Junichi Masuda has come forward in his director's column naming the kanji that inspired the name mean "castle palace" (城都) or "lattice-shaped palace" (条都)[1]; this meaning is connected to the city of Nara, which was the basis for Violet City.
First explored in Pokémon Gold and Silver, it is home to an additional 100 Pokémon that were not present in the previous games. In the Generation II games and HeartGold and SoulSilver, players begin their journey in New Bark Town, where Professor Elm offers either Chikorita, Cyndaquil or Totodile to beginning Pokémon Trainers. The English-version names of most of the cities in Johto are also the names of plants or things related to plants.
Johto returns in Generation IV's HeartGold and SoulSilver, with all areas from its Generation II iteration returning, and several new areas being accessible, such as the Safari Zone, with the new Routes 47 and 48 leading to it.
Etymology and design concept
- Main article: Pokémon world in relation to the real world#Johto
The map of Japan showing the Johto region as the Kansai region.
Regardless of their proximity, the people of Johto and those of Kanto are set apart by many cultural differences. Johto is based on the real Kansai region in Japan. This trait is most noticeable in its geography; however, the Kansai influence also defines the culture in Johto. Kansai residents are known for their attitudes against typical Japanese standards, mostly due to the historical rivalry between the region, once the major seat of political power, and the real Kantō region where Tokyo, the current capital, is located. The soil of the Kansai region is rich, unlike the volcanic Kantō region, and this is perhaps referenced by the in-game Kanto region's inability to maintain a berry crop in Generation II and Generation III. People from Kansai are considered to be more relaxed. Kansai and Kantō, however different, are the two most important areas of Honshū, the largest island in Japan, and, much like Johto and Kanto, represent a harmony of contrasting cultures living together. The cultural divide is most noticeable in the games, as the player talks to and learns about the denizens of both regions.
Certain cultural aspects of the Johto region are deep-seated in Japanese history, as well. Kyoto, which is probably the basis for Ecruteak City, is considered the cultural center of Japan. Kyoto and its many historical temples, shrines, palaces, gardens and architecture have been preserved. This connection to history is reflected in many areas of Johto. However, Goldenrod City (like Osaka) is typically modern.
1500 years before modern times, the place now known as the Ruins of Alph was built in Johto, and the earliest known system for writing—the modern Latin alphabet—was developed. Although no one knows exactly who built the Ruins of Alph, research indicates that the people in question were an ancient civilization that wished to co-exist with the enigmatic Unown that bear great similarity to the alphabet letters. Not only did that tribe impart messages on the ruins' walls describing the Unown, but they also erected a Pokémon statue for an unknown reason.
At some point later, outsiders began to gather near the ruins. As the Unown were timid creatures, they rejected contact with anyone but the clan that protected them. To ensure the Unown's well being, the Ruins of Alph's inhabitants decided to leave the region, but not without devising complicated puzzles so that one day the Unown could be summoned again. As for the clan, their quest led them to a mountain far to the north, where they met another group of people who had hailed from the Spear Pillar. Together, the two groups built a temple in honor of Arceus, which incorporated elements from both the Ruins of Alph and the Spear Pillar; this collaboration probably has to do with the underlying relationship between Arceus and the Unown. The temple, too, has since been left in ruins and its lowest floor is now known as the Sinjoh Ruins; however, the ritual of honoring legendary Pokémon through dance circulated back to Johto, specifically to Ecruteak City.
Approximately 700 years before modern times, the people of Ecruteak built two nine-tier towers with the hopes of fostering friendship and hope between Pokémon and humans. They were the Brass Tower in the west, which was said to awaken Pokémon, and the Bell Tower in the east, where Pokémon were said to rest. Both towers became the roost of powerful flying Pokémon: Lugia and Ho-Oh, respectively. It is unknown what made the residents revere Lugia and Ho-Oh, but a separate tale indicates that Lugia had previously had an encounter with the people of Johto when it stopped a war on the Whirl Islands, which were a single island at that time.
The burned Brass Tower
The towers stood strong for about 550 years, when a lightning bolt struck the Brass Tower. It was engulfed in flames that raged for three days. A sudden downpour finally put out the blaze, but it had already burnt to the ground. Three nameless Pokémon perished in the fire, but Ho-Oh descended from the sky and resurrected them. The revived Pokémon were made to embody three powers: the lightning that struck the tower, the fire that burned the tower, and the rain that put out the fire. When the Pokémon appeared, they struck terror in those who saw their rise. The three Pokémon, knowing their own power, fled, running like the wind off into Johto's grassland. Similarly, both Lugia and Ho-Oh flew away at the sight of the growing distance between people and Pokémon; while they never returned to Ecruteak, they yearned for a person to touch the hearts and souls of Pokémon once more.
Around these times other, smaller events occurred. 500 years before modern days, the Cianwood City Pharmacy, the world's oldest pharmacy, was built. Around 400 years ago, Azalea Town in Johto was struck by a long-term drought wave; after bringing the rain back once again by yawning, Slowpoke gained an honorable position in that town.
Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details. |
In contemporary history, Ethan/Kris/Lyra leaves New Bark Town on an errand for Professor Elm. A red-haired boy steals one of Elm's three Pokémon, and challenges him/her as Ethan/Kris/Lyra's journey across Johto continues. A revived Team Rocket from Kanto, using plans formulated three years prior, enrages many Gyarados, including a red one, at the Lake of Rage; they then proceed to take over the Goldenrod Radio Tower in a desperate attempt to contact Giovanni. When they are defeated and Giovanni fails to return due to Celebi's intervention, the interim leader, Archer, vows to never again re-form Team Rocket. Ethan/Kris/Lyra continues to gather Johto's badges, eventually gaining all eight and traveling to the Pokémon League at the Indigo Plateau in Kanto, later to defeat the current Champion and get into the Hall of Fame.
But Ethan/Kris/Lyra's most notable effect on Johto lies in their ability to encounter all three of the legendary beasts, as well as summon the Unown, Lugia and Ho-Oh after their long absence. A new chapter in the region's history begins.
Cities, routes, and other locations
In-game map of the Johto region from Generation IV games
Johto has ten cities and towns. These sites act as settlements for people to live and work in a functioning society. The Safari Zone Gate and Frontier Access act as towns, but they appear to be more of a tourist destination and are not considered cities or towns. As Johto has no autonomous Pokémon League, Kanto shares a League with the region, which borders between Johto and Kanto. Because of this, the two regions share a connection with each other, and unlike any other region, they are able to be traversed to with relative ease. Due to this landmass connection, the geography of Johto is relatively similar to that of its neighbor region.
The Johto region has 20 different routes, which are passages permitting trainers to travel from one location to the next with relative ease. Johto and Kanto share the same route system, and therefor starts at Route 29, picking up from where Kanto's left off at Route 28. The numbered routes count up to 48, with Routes 47 and 48 leading off into the far west only being accessible in Generation IV. Compared to the Kanto region, there aren't many sea routes; there are many land routes and mountains. Some areas such as Route 33 are constantly raining, or are purged with other weather conditions; however, this wasn't seen until Generation IV.
The connecting landmass between Kanto and Johto doesn't appear to be a fine line; but more or less a blurry one. Route 28 is technically owned by Kanto; however, it bridges the border between the two regions, making it the only route in history that enters two regions at one time. This is similar to Routes 26 and 27, that are strictly Kanto locations; however, they are able to be transported to via HM02 (Fly) from Johto in Generation IV.
The Johto region, including all the towns, cities, and other areas, the total population in HeartGold and SoulSilver is 441.
Cities and towns
Map | City/Town | Population | Description |
New Bark Town | 11 | A town where the wind blows and tells of impending change. | |
Cherrygrove City | 22 | A city where you can smell small flowers and a sea breeze. | |
Violet City | 52 | This old village is still surrounded by trees and other scenery. Sprout Tower is located here; it is a tower where they study diligently to learn to live with Pokémon. | |
Azalea Town | 31 | A town where people and Pokémon live together in simple harmony. Slowpoke Well is located here; when Slowpoke are thirsty, they come here to drink. | |
Goldenrod City | 126 | A developing city where people and Pokémon come and go as they like. | |
Ecruteak City | 46 | A city that even now bears the marks of its history. Located here are Bell Tower, a tower that's said to have a legendary Pokémon that lands there, and Burned Tower, a tower that was hit by lightning, and subsequently caught fire and burned. | |
Olivine City | 47 | A city where you can hear the melody of the sea. Glitter Lighthouse is located here; it shines brightly over the ocean with the power of Ampharos. | |
Cianwood City | 27 | A beachside city that has benefitted greatly from the sea. | |
Mahogany Town | 26 | A town with a suspicious air to it. It's a hiding place for ninjas. | |
Blackthorn City | 40 | A mysterious mountain village cut into a rock face. Dragon's Den is located here. | |
Safari Zone Gate | 13 | A place where you can experience wild thrills safely. | |
Frontier Access | ?? | A place where people from all over come to show off their strength. |
Johto features some unique and scenic landmarks, whether they be natural or man-made. It prides itself towards mythology and tradition features, with most of the buildings, towers, caves, and locations holding a historical background. Some of the oldest places in Johto, even the Pokémon world, include the Ruins of Alph, Sprout Tower, Bell Tower, Burned Tower, and the Slowpoke Well. The Ruin of Alph, located in central Johto, is the threshold to an ancient civilization that first contacted the Unown, and became the base of which the first system for writing was formed. The Ruins of Alph have said to have been around for at least 1500 year before modern times which makes it one of the first known structures built in the history of Pokémon. As of today, the ruins are being researched by scientists and are able to be visited as a tourist attraction by visitors. The two towers of Ecruteak City which include the Bell Tower and the Burned Tower are oldest towers in the Pokémon world, dating back to 700 years ago. The two nine-tier towers were built to foster friendship and hope between Pokémon and people and the view from the top of the towers was said to be magnificent. The towers attracted many people to the city, until about 150 years ago, a lightning bolt struck the western tower, engulfing it in flames, burning the tower down. The towers are surrounded in mystery, and are said to be home to legendary Pokémon, however, at this present point, only the ruins of the Burned Tower can be explored by Trainers, and the Bell Tower is off limits to most people.
Another famous historic location is the Sprout Tower, located in northern Violet City. The Sprout Tower is a tiered tower with multiple eaves, and much like the Bell Tower and the Burned Tower, it is constructed solely out of wood, creating a multi-story effect. Surrounding the tower is a beautiful lake in the center of Violet City, hosting several architectural bridges making its way across the water. Sprout Tower is dedicated to the gentle and peaceful nature of Bellsprout. The giant spine-like pillar located in the center of the tower acts as a support for the old tower structure, and it even protects the tall tower from sudden earthquakes. It is said that the main swaying pillar was, in fact, once a 100-foot-tall Bellsprout. Spout Tower is four stories tall. The ground floor is much like a visitors floor, where tourists come to see the unique style of which the tower was formed. There are three other upper levels, which are dedicated to Pokémon Training; monks who study diligently and train their gentle Bellsprout come to teach that all living beings coexist through cooperation.
Johto also features several different kinds of natural caves and mountains including Mt. Mortar, Mt. Silver, Dark Cave, Ice Path, Cliff Cave, and Union Cave. Mt. Mortar is a cave complex that travels through Johto's north-most mountain range. It is known by Trainers to be a confusing maze-like area with an interior cave known as the Waterfall Cave. Mt. Mortar has three entrances and is huge inside, one of the largest of all caves in the Johto. It has four floors, and its high Pokémon-encounter rate makes getting lost very costly. It has Surfable waterways, Waterfalls, Strength puzzles, and multiple levels. Dark Cave travels through central Johto, and although the dark caves run beneath the surface of the region, the mountain range is large and a barrier between areas of the region. Mt. Silver, in the east, is also quite large and complex splitting the two regions of Kanto and Johto in half, housing many powerful Pokémon, and it is where the most skilled Trainers train their Pokémon. Another natural landmark in Johto is Ilex Forest located just west of Azalea Town. The forest's trees are so close together that all light is blocked out, and the forest seems to be in a perpetual night.
Some famous man-made landmarks include the Goldenrod Radio Tower, Battle Frontier, Pokéathlon Dome, and Safari Zone. The Goldenrod Radio Tower is a five-story tower located next to the Magnet Train station in downtown Goldenrod City. The radio tower broadcasts numerous programs daily, the most prominent of such being Professor Oak's Pokémon Talk and Buena's Password. For a short period time the tower fell victim to the clutches of Team Rocket, during which time none of the normal broadcasts were aired. The Battle Frontier, Pokéathlon Dome, and Safari Zone are all recently built attractions which provide entertainment and fun for tourists, allowing visitors to participate in activities and rides which require the help of Pokémon to complete.
Although the Johto region prides itself on the beach and some of its sea-side towns, the region has very few aquatic landmarks. The Lake of Rage is the region's most prominent water attraction, said to have been a smoking crater until it filled with rainwater. The lake is home to the world famous red Gyarados. Because of this irritable Pokémon, the lake was marked a dangerous place to go, since the Gyarados started tipping over boats and scaring swimmers. Another famous water landmark is the Whirl Islands. Named after the dangerous whirlpools that surround them, the Whirl Islands are four islands between Olivine and Cianwood City that are connected by a maze-like cavernous structure under the water's surface. It is said that at the heart of the caves a legendary Pokémon can be found.
Anime-exclusive locations
Picture | Location | Description |
Alto Mare | Alto Mare is known as the city of water and is the Johto region's Venice. It is an island in between Johto's southwestern coast and the islands of eastern Hoenn. Alto Mare is the setting of Pokémon Heroes. | |
Arborville | Arborville is a small town a few miles north of Olivine City. It is located in a big forest so all the houses are built in trees. Some residents include, Towa, Diana, and Mr. White. It appeared in Celebi: Voice of the Forest. | |
Battle Park | It is a facility located in northern Johto, between Mahogany Town and Blackthorn City. Trainers battle against a series a powerful, random rental pokémon. They are trained to only be obedient inside the park. It is similiar to the Hoenn Battle Frontier. The Battle Park appeared in One Trick Phony!. | |
Big Town | Big Town is a large town located in Johto. There are many apartment buildings as well as a skyscraper. Some notable monuments include Magikarp and Tauros statues and a fountain. The town first appeared in Pikachu and Pichu. | |
Bloomingvale | Bloomingvale is located between Violet City and Azalea Town. The town is famous for its Sunflora. It is a warm and hilly area with many houses and it is sunny almost every day. The Sunflora contest is held here every year. | |
Bluefinland | Bluefinland is a port town on Blue Point Isle. | |
Blue Lagoon | It is a large lake located on Blue Point Isle which contains a large colony of Chinchou. The town of Bluefinland is settled right next to the lake. | |
Blue Moon Falls | A beautiful waterfall in which the Quagsire reside. | |
Blue Point Isle | Blue Point Isle is the largest island in the archipelago of Whirl Islands. The island serves as the entryway to the archipelago and is located to the northeast of Cianwood City. | |
Bonitaville | Bonitaville is a city located in Johto. Occasionally, Pokémon Beauty Contests are held in this city. | |
Catallia City | The city is located between New Bark Town and Cherrygrove City. Instead of using Growlithe, the Officer Jennys use Spinarak. | |
Charific Valley Natural Reserve | Located just outside of Violet City, the Charicific Valley is a training ground for Charizard so they can become stronger. It is distinguishable by its rock formation in the shape of a giant Charizard. The only known human who lives in the valley is Liza, who, along with her Charizard, Charla, protects the valley from danger. | |
Diglett Village | It is a tiny village established on Red Rock Isle. Diglett Village was once a harsh desert, but with the help of Diglett, they transformed the area into a lush farmland. | |
Dragon Holy Land | The Dragon Holy Land is a grassy, forested area with various flora, and rock cliffs walling it. It is only accessible through a waterfall at the end of Dragon's Den. | |
Eggseter | Eggseter is a town located between Ecruteak City and Mahogany Town. Eggseter holds an annual racing competetion known as the Extreme Pokémon Race. A Pokémon Day Care Center can be found in the town. | |
Florando | The city hosts an annual show, Pokémon Exhibition, where Pokémon Trainers and Pokémon from all over the world come to perform. | |
Greenfield | Greenfield is described, in the anime, as one of the most beautiful locations in the Johto region. It is located between Goldenrod City and Azalea Town. The town is covered with grassy meadows. In Greenfield, there is the Hale mansion, home of Spencer Hale, Molly Hale, and her mother. This town is the setting of the third movie. | |
Happy Town | Happy Town is located near Violet City. | |
Inland City | Inland City is the largest port city on Blue Point Isle. Located on the southern end of the island, it is known as the entrypoint to the Whirl Islands. Pokémon Trainers can register for the Whirl Cup here. | |
Kasado City | Kasado City is located on Silver Rock Isle of the Whirl Islands. Almost everything in it is shaped like the Silver Wing. | |
Lake Lucid | Lake Lucid is located between Ecruteak City and Olivine City. It is home to a famous family of Joys who are famous for cleaning and purifying the waters of the lake. | |
Len Town | Len Town is located between Azalea Town and Goldenrod City. The town's local forest is known for having Ghost-type Pokémon around. As such, the townspeople use Psychic-type Pokémon as a means of protection. | |
Marion City | Marion City is featured in Celebi and Joy. At first, the city was very modern and not embracing of its old traditions. After Ritchie had gone back in time and changed history, the city also changed into a city that embraced its old traditions, even going as far as restoring the historic Pokémon Center. | |
Maroon Town | Maroon Town is located between Mahogany Town and Blackthorn City. | |
Megi City | Megi City is located on the southern end of Yellow Rock Isle in the Whirl Islands. The whole city is created upon Corsola nests, and most of the shops there sell jewelery made from shed Corsola horns. | |
Mount Quena | Mount Quena is known as Johto's highest peak. It contains a lake with water containing healing properties known as Clarity Lake. Butterfree are also known to lay their eggs here. It is surrounded by Purity Canyon, Johto's greatest natural wonder, and Purity River, whose source is Clarity Lake. | |
Ogi City | Ogi City is a large port city at the northern end of Yellow Rock Isle in the Whirl Islands. A ferry runs once a day between Ogi City and Red Rock Isle. | |
Ogi Isle | Ogi Isle is the northernmost isle in the Whirl Islands archipelago. It is located off the northwestern tip of Silver Rock Isle, almost to Olivine City. The two islands are connected to each other via an underwater tunnel. It is home to a family of Lugia. | |
Onix Tunnel | Onix Tunnel is located between Azalea Town and Goldenrod City. It is a cave that possesses many stalagmites and stalactites, some of which drip water. Many Onix can be found there. | |
Palm Hills | Palm Hills is located between New Bark Town and Cherrygrove City. A wealthy area of Johto, it is home to Madame Muchmoney and her Snubbull. | |
Palmpona | Located just outside of Azalea Town, the town's biggest attraction is the Pokémon Swap Meet. Another big attraction is a tournament to see who has the strongest Tauros. Palmpona appears to be named after Pamplona in Spain, which is famous for its annual Running of the Bulls competition. | |
Pudgy Pidgey Isle | Pudgey Pidgey Island is a small island located off the coast of Blue Point Isle in the Whirl Islands where extremely large Pidgey live. It is a mostly forested island. The island is connected to land only by a small rope bridge. The sole human that made his abode there is named Wilbur. | |
Red Rock Isle | Red Rock Isle is one of many small islands in the Whirl Islands archipelago. The Whirl Cup is held here, in Scarlet City. | |
Remoraid Lake | Remoraid Lake is located in between Ecruteak City and Olivine City. It is a dried up lake that sits on top of Remoraid Mountain. | |
Remoraid Mountain | Remoraid Mountain is located between Ecruteak City and Olivine City. Remoraid Lake is located on top of the mountain. | |
Rikishii Town | Rikishii Town is located between Ecruteak City and Olivine City. The town's main attraction is a Sumo Conference involving Pokémon facing off against each other. | |
Scarlet City | Located at the southern end of Red Rock Isle in the Whirl Islands, it is where the Whirl Cup is held once every three years. | |
Secret Garden | The Secret Garden is a secret location on the island city of Alto Mare. Secret Garden is the home of the legendary Pokémon Latias and Latios. It is an incredibly large place surrounded by a stone wall, and has many fountains made of brick and contains grassy fields, all sorts of flowers, ponds, trees varying in size and essentially looks like a Venetian garden. | |
Silver Town | Located at the base of Mt. Silver, Silver Town is where the annual Silver Conference is held. | |
Silver Rock Isle | Silver Rock Isle is one of the four main islands in the Whirl Islands archipelago. It has a strong connection to the Silver Wing and to the Legendary Pokémon Lugia | |
Snowtop Mountain | Located between Olivine City and Ecruteak City in northern Johto, it is very cold at the peak and it is said to have a connection with Articuno. Articuno is said to must reside on top of the mountain. | |
Sunflora Lodge | It is located between Ecruteak City and Olivine City. It is owned by Sophia and Marcello. | |
Transit Town | It is a port town on Red Rock Isle. | |
Whitestone | It is a town between Ecruteak City and Olivine City known for its white walls. | |
Wobbuffet Village | It is a small town where almost everyone owns a Wobbuffet. The town holds an annual Wobbuffet Festival. | |
Yellow Rock Isle | It is an island located in the Whirl Islands between Red Rock Isle and Blue Point Isle. Yellow Rock Isle traditions are based on Corsola. |
The Johto region, like its neighboring region, Kanto, has a temperate climate. However, Johto's climate is a bit wetter than Kanto's climate.
Johto is notably more rural than the Kanto region, which leans more towards to the urban side. The region has an abundance of water to the west and south, with Cianwood City being on a completely different landmass. However, Johto is still dominated by land. Johto's ultra-modern Goldenrod City is found in the heart of the region, on the coast. It is the technological, industrial, and economic area of the Johto region. Due to its centralized position in the region, many smaller but important cities and towns connect to the city. Johto has one large mountain range encompassing almost the entire eastern half of the region, which divides Kanto and Johto and contains Mt. Silver. Blackthorn City is nestled deep between the mountains and is very unique because it is a city for Dragon Tamers.
Johto League
- Main article: Johto League
The Johto League is the regional Pokémon League of the Johto region. Johto and Kanto share a single Elite Four, located at the Indigo Plateau. Eight Johto League Badges are required to participate in League competitions. The Indigo League and Johto League share a single group of Elite Four and Champion; eight Badges from either region will allow a Trainer to battle the Elite Four at the Indigo Plateau. Less commonly, it is known as the "Silver League", usually when referring to the anime. The Silver Conference is the Johto League's annual championship competition. It is held at the base of Mt. Silver.
Gym Leaders
Johto League | |||
Gym Leader Japanese | Location Japanese | Type | Badge |
Falkner ハヤト Hayato | Violet City キキョウシティ Kikyō City | Flying | Zephyr Badge |
Bugsy ツクシ Tsukushi | Azalea Town ヒワダタウン Hiwada Town | Bug | Hive Badge |
Whitney アカネ Akane | Goldenrod City コガネシティ Kogane City | Normal | Plain Badge |
Morty マツバ Matsuba | Ecruteak City エンジュシティ Enju City | Ghost | Fog Badge |
Chuck シジマ Shijima | Cianwood City タンバシティ Tanba City | Fighting | Storm Badge |
Jasmine ミカン Mikan | Olivine City アサギシティ Asagi City | Steel | Mineral Badge |
Pryce ヤナギ Yanagi | Mahogany Town チョウジタウン Chōji Town | Ice | Glacier Badge |
Clair イブキ Ibuki | Blackthorn City フスベシティ Fusube City | Dragon | Rising Badge |
Elite Four
Johto League | |
Generation IV | |
Member Japanese | Type |
Will イツキ Itsuki | Psychic |
Koga キョウ Kyō | Poison |
Bruno シバ Siba | Fighting |
Karen カリン Karin | Dark |
Champion Lance ワタル Wataru | Dragon |
Battle Frontier
- Main article: Battle Frontier (Generation IV)
Frontier Brains
Johto Battle Frontier | |||
Frontier Brain Japanese | Facility Japanese | Prints | |
Tower Tycoon Palmer タワータイクーン クロツグ Tower Tycoon Kurotsugu | Battle Tower バトルタワー Battle Tower | Silver Tower Prints | Gold Tower Prints |
Factory Head Thorton ファクトリーヘッド ネジキ Factory Head Nejiki | Battle Factory バトルファクトリー Battle Factory | Silver Factory Prints | Gold Factory Prints |
Arcade Star Dahlia ルーレットゴーデス ダリア Roulette Goddess Dahlia | Battle Arcade バトルルーレット Battle Roulette | Silver Arcade Prints | Gold Arcade Prints |
Castle Valet Darach キャッスルバトラー コクラン Castle Butler Kokuran | Battle Castle バトルキャッスル Battle Castle | Silver Castle Prints | Gold Castle Prints |
Hall Matron Argenta ステージマドンナ ケイト Stage Madonna Kate | Battle Hall バトルステージ Battle Stage | Silver Hall Prints | Gold Hall Prints |
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